GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes

Presentation: "Agile in Cool companies"

Track: Cool Companies II / Time: Thursday 11:30 - 12:20 / Location: Annum 1

This slot consists of two great talks!

5 Pain Points of Agile Development

With agile development now practically the status quo, there's been a growing recognition that good SCM is key to solving some of the problems that fast-iterating, collaborative teams face when it comes to automation and geography.
Although the Agile Manifesto of 2001 emphasizes the importance of "individuals and interactions over processes and tools", in the last decade the most successful agile teams have reported that one tool in particular was critical to their success: SCM
This presentation will look at 3 key trends and 5 pain points of Agile Software Development.

by Ralf Gronkowski

2 Fast 2 Furious

Declaring yourself "Agile" no longer means you're automatically cool or competitive. It might have in the olden days, when teams would be considered agile if they did 5 releases a year--but the word today has assumed a completely different meaning. Now, many organizations will happily admit to doing multiple releases a day. The problem is this: the majority of self-styled agile teams focus on speed, innovation and change, but very few focus on results. This session takes a look at what happens when organizations become too agile, and how this addiction can become terminal for the business. We'll cover real-life examples outlining the challenges and pain points of organizations striving to be agile. It will also offer top tips for dev teams to do agile the "right" way, helping them better manage change and understand the real impact that frequent releases have upon their business.

by Rainer Schuppe

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Rainer Schuppe, Technologist at AppDynamics

Rainer Schuppe

Biography: Rainer Schuppe

Rainer Schuppe, Technologist at AppDynamics, is a technical expert for our customers and partners in Central and Eastern Europe. He has mastered the art of selection and implementation of APM (Application Performance Management) systems for distributed Java applications in production, training and acute performance analysis. Rainer has over 14 years of experience conquering Java application servers, with experience with Wily Technology, dynaTrace and codecentric AG.

Twitter: @AppDynamics

Ralf Gronkowski, Principal Product Consultant with Perforce

Ralf Gronkowski

Biography: Ralf Gronkowski

Ralf Gronkowski is a Principal Product Consultant with Perforce. He has more than 20 years experience in developing software and has coached a number of companies in defining and optimising their development processes. Since 5 years he helps Perforce customers in taking on Perforce as their version management solution and regularily speaks at conferences about best paractises around version managament and software development tools and methodologies.